What You Should Know About Getting an Oil Change

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What You Should Know About Getting an Oil Change

When it comes to routine vehicle maintenance, “oil change” is the first phrase that springs to mind. At Devoted Repairs, we understand the importance of keeping your car on the road, and keeping up with routine maintenance like oil changes is the best way to do that.


Does your car need an oil change? Here’s what you should know about this routine maintenance task.


Why does my car need oil?

Oil keeps your engine running smoothly. It lubricates the moving parts of your engine, reducing friction and wear. Without oil, your engine will overheat and get clogged up with gunk and debris.


How often should I change my oil?

The frequency of your oil changes depends on multiple factors, including the age of your car and your driving habits. The traditional rule of thumb used to be every 3,000 miles or every three months, whichever comes first. However, newer models can go for 5,000 miles, 7,500 miles, or even longer. Ask your mechanic or consult your owner’s manual for the recommended frequency for your car.


What type of oil does my car take?

This answer again depends on your car. Most older cars take conventional oil, while most newer models take synthetic oil. In general, synthetic oil is more expensive, but it offers better performance protection, and you don’t have to change it as often. There are also synthetic blends and high-mileage oils, which are preferable for certain vehicles. For example, high-mileage oils contain additives that help reduce oil consumption and leaks, both of which are common problems for cars with over 75,000 miles.


Do I need to change the filter?

The short answer is “yes.” Whenever you change the oil, you should also change the oil filter. The filter catches contaminants and gunk in the oil and prevents them from spreading throughout the engine. A clogged or dirty filter can reduce oil flow and limit engine performance.


Routine Maintenance and Oil Change | Devoted Repairs

Our team at Devoted Repairs is dedicated to helping you keep your car on the road for as long as possible. Whether you need routine maintenance or more serious repairs, our mechanics will always offer you top-notch service.


Contact us at 603-233-0693 to schedule a service appointment today.

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